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Congstar Aufladen

Top Up Your Congstar Prepaid Credit Conveniently

Flexible Options for Automated Top-Ups

With Congstar's Prepaid Tariffs, you can enjoy convenient and automated top-ups to keep your phone connected. Whether you prefer to set up an automated payment method or top up in cash at retail stores, we have you covered.

Automatic Top-Up Feature

Never run out of credit again with the Automatic Top-Up feature. When your balance dips below 5€, it will automatically replenish your account, ensuring you stay connected without any hassle.

This feature is available for all Congstar Prepaid Tariffs, including Allnet Flat S, M, L, and XL with 5G, as well as Prepaid wie ich will and the Halbjahrespaket surf.


With Congstar's Prepaid Credit top-up options, you can manage your phone balance with ease and peace of mind. Whether you prefer automated top-ups or retail transactions, we have a solution that fits your needs. Stay connected, stay in control, and never let your phone run out of credit again.
