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Emoji Previously Showing As Ua Letters On Some Platforms

Ukraine's Flag Emoji Now Displaying Correctly on All Major Platforms

Emoji previously showing as "UA" letters on some platforms

New update ensures flag emoji accurately represents Ukraine's national colors

The flag of Ukraine, which may have previously displayed as the letters "UA" on some platforms, is now displaying correctly as a blue and yellow bicolour flag on all major platforms, including Apple, Google, Twitter, and Facebook.

The emoji, which is used to represent Ukraine in digital communications, was previously inconsistent in its appearance across different platforms. This led to confusion and frustration among users, who were unsure which emoji was the correct representation of the Ukrainian flag.

The update to the emoji was made in response to feedback from the Ukrainian government and users around the world. The change ensures that the flag emoji is now an accurate and consistent representation of Ukraine's national symbol.

The Ukraine flag emoji is a powerful symbol of the country and its people. It is a reminder of Ukraine's independence, sovereignty, and resilience. The correct display of the flag emoji on all major platforms is an important step in ensuring that Ukraine's voice is heard around the world.
